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Sculpfun TS1 Laser Controller

This page contains all information about the TS1 touch screen controller created by Sculpfun.

The first versions (firmware < 1.1.30) have a bug that can cause the project to abort in the middle of the job. In this case, update the firmware! Also see the video at the end of the page.

The TS touchscreen can be used to operate lasers without an additional control computer. Projects can be loaded onto the screen’s SD card as GCode and started from there. At the same time, TS1 allows you to connect via WLAN so that a laser can be controlled remotely via WLAN. However, this is not a direct connection, you cannot stream data via the display (bridge mode). The projects must always be transferred as GCode files.


The manual can be downloaded here: Download


The firmware of the TS1 can be updated in the same way as with all lasers. To accomplish this, the display must be connected with the USB-C cable and then updated with the Sculpfun flash tool. The latest firmware version can always be found on the firmware page.


The display has an integrated web server, which can also be used to control the laser and transfer files. To access the web interface, you must either connect to the display’s Wi-Fi or connect the display to your home Wi-Fi, and then enter the IP address of the display in the browser. The laser must be connected to the display via USB. The direct Wi-Fi connection from LightBurn is not supported (it does connect, but commands are not tunneled through the display). It is therefore not possible to add a laser via the display’s network connection. The project must still be saved as GCode in LightBurn and then transferred to the display. This is somewhat easier via the web interface than with the SD card.

Official Picture Gallery


Jan has created a bracket for the display, which can be downloaded here (STL): Download.

Reviews / Videos

A video showing the most common issues when a job is stopped:

Further reviews and information: