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Sculpfun S70 Max diode laser

All information about the Sculpfun S70 Max diode laser. As soon as I have been able to test it in more detail, I will refine this article further.

Be aware! The S70 also uses the MR30 connectors for connecting the laser heads, but the pins have been changed!! You can’t mount an S30 Ultra or IR-2 laser head to the S70 without further modification!

Technical data

Laser power70W
Laser wavelength455nm
Spot size0.15*0.12mm
Marking speed36000mm/min
Processing material typewood, leather, acrylic, stone, ceramics, glass, paper, etc.
Engraving area830*800mm
Repeat positioning accuracy0.1mm
Focusing methodauto focus + manual focus
Supported SystemsAndroid / iOS / Windows / macOS
ConnectionWIFI (connected via TS1) / USB
Operating voltageDC24V
Operating current14.6A
Input power350W
Machine size1154*1113*240mm
Machine weight15.2kg
Package size1180x380x280mm
Package weight22kg


Official pictures:

Pictures of the unboxing and the details:

Laser module:

Air Assist pump:

Assembly / setup

Here is the official video of the construction:


Firmware Settings

Here is the list of standard firmware settings.


The following table contains all special configuration options that are not covered by the common grbl settings. Using these, you can fine tune the additional features of the S70.

ParameterShortcutNameParameter descriptionExampleIllustrative description
$Laser/PowerComp/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on] Laser power compensationAfter enabled, the output power will be corrected according to the measured laser power curve$Laser/PowerComp/Enable=0Turn off laser power compensation
$AF=<float>[0:100] Laser AF lifting distanceAutofocus setting (distance of laserhead to surface, no change of optical focus distance)$AF=11.5Lift 11.5mm after laser AF
$Homing/Pulloff[X,Y,Z]=<float>[0:1000] Pull-off distance after returning to zeroPull-off after homing to clear the limit switches, individual per axis$Homing/PulloffX=8Set X homing pull-off to 8 mm
$AirPump/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on] Air Pump Main EnableWhen enabled, M8 pump on command and the M9 pump off command are functional$AirPump/Enable=0Turn off the air pump
$AirPump/Idle=<int>[0:55]$airIdle Air FlowThe flow rate of weak airflow in the idle state after responding to the M9 instruction, in L/min$AirPump/Idle=5 Shortcut: $air=5The idle air flow rate is set to 5 L/min
$AirPump/Run=<int>[0:55] Active Air FlowThe flow rate of strong airflow in working condition after responding to the M8 command, in L/min$AirPump/Run=50The air flow rate in the working state is set to 50L/min
$AirPump/Frequency=<int>[0:1000] Air pump frequencyFrequency of pump control, in Hz$AirPump/Frequency=50Set the air pump frequency to 50Hz
$Buzzer/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$buzzerBuzzer enabledWhen enabled, it beeps during critical operations or alarms when a machine error occurs$Buzzer/Enable=0 Shortcut: $buzzer=0Turn off the buzzer
$Buzzer/Volume=<int>[0:3] Buzzer volumeBuzzer level, 4 levels available$Buzzer/Volume=3The buzzer volume is set to maximum
$Fan/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$fanExhaust Fan EnableWhen enabled, rear exhaust fan automatically turns on when the laser is illuminated and turns off with a delay after the laser is turned off$Fan/Enable=0 Shortcut: $fan=0Turn off the exhaust fan
$Fan/VentingTime=<int>[0:1000] Exhaust fan timeThe time for the exhaust fan to be disabled after the laser stops emitting light, in sec$Fan/VentingTime=60The exhaust fan is delayed for 60s to close
$Fan/Duty=<int>[0:1000] Exhaust fan PWM duty cycleExhaust strength when the exhaust fan is on, 0-100% maps to 0-1000$Fan/Duty=500The exhaust fan works at 50% power
$Fan/Frequency=<float>[50:10000] Exhaust fan PWM frequencyThe frequency of the PWM signal driving the exhaust fan, in Hz$Fan/Frequency=25000Set the frequency of the PWM signal to drive the exhaust fan to 25 kHz
$Jog/Step/Distance=<float>[0:1000] Keyboard jog distanceThe JOG movement distance of the machine after one effective key press, in mm$Jog/Step/Distance=50The JOG movement of the machine after one effective button press is 50mm
$Jog/Step/Speed=<float>[0:1000] Keyboard jog speedThe speed of movement of the machine JOG after the key triggers the jog, in mm/min$Jog/Step/Speed=10000The movement speed of the machine JOG after the button is triggered is 10000mm/min
$Jog/Continuous/Speed=<float>[0:1000] Keyboard continous jog speedThe speed of movement of the machine JOG after the button triggers continuous movement, in mm/min$Jog/Continuous/Speed=1000The movement speed of the machine JOG after the button triggers the continuous movement is 1000mm/min
$LaserHead/LensContam/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$lensLens dirt detection enableAfter enabled, the motherboard will detect the degree of dirtiness of the lens based on the data transmitted back by the laser head, and if it is judged to be dirty, it will send a prompt, but it will not stop working$LaserHead/LensContam/Enable=0 Shortcut: $lens=0Turn off the lens dirt detection function
$LaserHead/LensContam/Threshold=<int>[0:100] Lens dirt detection thresholdAn alert is issued when the lens dirt index is greater than the threshold$LaserHead/LensContam/Threshold=30Set the lens dirt detection threshold to 30
$LaserHead/FireAlert/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$fireFlame detection enableAfter enabled, the motherboard will evaluate whether the material is on fire based on the data sent back by the laser head, and if it is judged to be on fire, it will send a prompt to stop the operation and move the laser head away from the ignition point$LaserHead/FireAlert/Enable=0 Shortcut: $fire=0Turn off the flame detection function
$LaserHead/FireAlert/NTC/Threshold=<float>[25:100] Flame detection NTC thresholdWhen the feedback value of the NTC temperature sensor is greater than the NTC threshold and the feedback value of the IIR infrared sensor is less than the IIR threshold, it is judged that the material is on fire, and the unit is Celsius$LaserHead/FireAlert/NTC/Threshold=50Set the flame sensor NTC threshold to 50 degrees Celsius
$LaserHead/FireAlert/IIR/Threshold=<float>[0:4095] Flame detection IIR thresholdWhen the feedback value of the NTC temperature sensor is greater than the NTC threshold and the feedback value of the IIR infrared sensor is less than the IIR threshold, it is judged that the material is on fire, and the unit is Celsius$LaserHead/FireAlert/IIR/Threshold=200Set the flame sensor IIR threshold to 200 degrees Celsius
$LaserHead/CommTimeout/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on] Communication timeout detection enableWhen enabled, if the motherboard does not receive a valid message from the laser head within 3 seconds, an error will be reported$LaserHead/CommTimeout/Enable=0Disable the laser timeout detection function
$Debug/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$debugDebug output enableWhen enabled, debug information will be printed on the debugging serial port, but it may affect the normal operation of the machine, baud rate: 921600$Debug/Enable=0 Shortcut: $debug=0Disable the debug information output
$Debug/Mode=<int>[0:2] Debug the output modeType of report: 0 VOFA, 1 received string, 2 dirty monitoring data$Debug/Mode=0Debugging the output of VOFA format data to plot the waveform
$TMC/Spread=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$spreadEnable TMC high-speed modeThe TMC drive capability is increased, but it will create more noise$TMC/Spread=0 Shortcut: $spread=0Turn off the TMC drive high-speed mode
$SmartSpeed/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on] Smart Speed Mode enableWhen enabled, acceleration and maximum velocity are limited in actual motion, but parameter settings are not affected$SmartSpeed/Enable=0Turn off Smart Speed Mode
$SmartSpeed/Mode=<int>[0:1]$speedSmart Speed Mode Select0: Low speed mode, acceleration 500, maximum speed 20000, 1: High speed mode, acceleration 1000, maximum speed 36000$SmartSpeed/Mode=0 Shortcut: $speed=0Smart Speed Mode 0
$TiltSensor/Enable=<bool>[0,1][false,true][off,on]$tiltTilt detection enableWhen enabled, if the tilt angle of the machine exceeds the threshold in a short period of time, an error will be reported and the operation will be stopped$TiltSensor/Enable=0 Shortcut: $tilt=0Turn off tilt detection
$TiltSensor/Threshold=<float>[0:90]$tilt_thTilt detection thresholdThe error threshold of the tilt angle change of the machine in a short period of time, unit °$$TiltSensor/Threshold=15 Shortcut: $tilt_th=15Set the tilt detection threshold to 15°

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